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CodeLinaro / la / external / kernel / kexec / kexec-tools
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterUpdated -
Qualcomm Landing Team Linux Demo trees
Do not remove branches or tags, those are expected to be stable and valid for blog posts and marketing purposes.
topic/* branches are protected against modifications, do not change.
Do not push work-in-progress or working branches here, only marketing/demo material.
Updated -
Qualcomm Landing Team AOSP Dragonboard Demo trees
Do not remove branches or tags, those are expected to be stable and valid for blog posts and marketing purposes.
Do not push work-in-progress or working branches here, only marketing/demo material.
Updated -
CodeLinaro / le / mbed-tls / mbedtls
Apache License 2.0Updated -
CodeLinaro / le / andersson / qdl
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated