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  • Marc Herbert's avatar
    .gitignore: do not ignore .\#* files · bab7df9f
    Marc Herbert authored
    I just wasted dozens of failed build attempts and more than 5 minutes
    staring at this cryptic build error:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "scripts/build/", line 216, in <module>
      File "scripts/build/", line 194, in main
        syscalls, tagged = analyze_headers(args.include, args.scan,
      File "scripts/build/", line 118, in analyze_headers
        with open(one_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fp:
    FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
    Because this file didn't show in `git status`, I kept believing that
    building from scratch would make it go away.
    `git status` should never hide source files that the build system uses.
    Maybe `` should be "Emacs-aware"? Or maybe not. As long
    as it's not, `git status` must show every spurious file that might
    affect the build and break it.
    This is the first time that I see an error like this; so Emacs does not
    leave files like this behind on a regular basis. Only when there
    is a some sort of glitch; and then we definitely want to know about it.
    More generally speaking, the choice of an editor is a personal
    preference. So patterns matching Emacs files belong to personal
    $HOME/.gitignore files; they shouldn't be mass-duplicated into every
    single git repo instead. Stuffing every project with editor-specific
    configuration of every editor obviously does not scale. But that's
    probably for another day.
    This is a partial revert of commit 3f4159c5 ("gitignore: Ignore
    emacs temporary edit files")
    Signed-off-by: default avatarMarc Herbert <>