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  • Benjamin Cabé's avatar
    coc: Update Code of Conduct to latest Contributor Covenant · ed5352ff
    Benjamin Cabé authored
    As per the changelog of the Contributor Covenant between versions 1.4
    and 2.1, the main changes are:
    - Emphasizes 'community' over 'project' scope, effectively merging the
      Community Covenant into the Contributor Covenant
    - Adds expectation about accepting responsibility and apologizing to
      those affected by mistakes, and learning from the experience to the
    - Adds sexual attention and advances of any kind as unacceptable
      behavior example
    - Moves enforcement responsibilities from project maintainers to
      community leaders
    - Adds responsibility to communicate reasons for moderation decisions
      when removing, editing, or rejecting contributions not aligned to the
      Code of Conduct
    - Requires community leaders to respect privacy and security of the
      reporter of any incident, not just confidentiality
    - Provides a template for code of conduct enforcement
    - Adds 'caste' and 'color' to the preamble
    Signed-off-by: default avatarBenjamin Cabé <>