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  • William McVicker's avatar
    ANDROID: kbuild: add Kconfig support for external modules · 5edbbb39
    William McVicker authored and William McVicker's avatar William McVicker committed
    Kbuild has supported external modules for quite some time now, but
    unfortunately it doesn't support Kconfig for external modules. This
    significantly restricts the flexibility of using external modules. For
    example, we can't define Kconfig dependencies to conditionally include
    external modules based on a given SoC or Architecture.
    To support Kconfig for external modules, we can hook in an external
    Kconfig into the base Kconfig so that the external Kconfig gets looped
    into kbuild.
    This patch defines the new build variable KCONFIG_EXT_PREFIX which can
    be used to point kbuild to the directory that includes a file named
    Kconfig.ext. Just like all Kconfigs, the path needs to be relative to
    KERNEL_SRC. That applies to all Kconfigs that Kconfig.ext sources.
    Additionally, since the kconfig parser doesn't support conditional
    statements, we need to add a Kconfig.ext placeholder for when
    KCONFIG_EXT_PREFIX isn't defined.
    Bug: 210148006
    Signed-off-by: default avatarWill McVicker <>
    Change-Id: I84790211b6c87b50bd20208d5b0f7bf228ce694b