libva NEWS -- summary of user visible changes. 2019-01-25
Copyright (C) 2009-2019 Intel Corporation
version 2.4.0 - 25.Jan.2019
* va_TraceSurface support for VA_FOURCC_P010
* Add pointer to struct wl_interface for driver to use
* (integrate) va: fix new line symbol in error message
* av: avoid driver path truncation
* Fix compilation warning (uninit and wrong variable types) for Android O MR1
* Allow import of the DRM PRIME 2 memory type
* android: ignore unimportant compile warnnings
* compile: fix sign/unsign compare in va_trace.c
* android: replace utils/Log.h with log/log.h
* High Dynamic Range Tone Mapping: Add a new filter for input metadata and some comments.
* Remove restrictions on vaSetDriverName()
version 2.3.0 - 30.Sep.2018
* Bump VA-API version to 1.3.0 and libva to 2.3.0
* Add max frame size parameters for multiple pass case in legacy mode
* Add new BRC mode AVBR
* Add new interface for High Dynamic Range tone mapping
* Add missing enum to string conversions
* Add hevc subsets parameters structure
* Add Customized Noise Reduction (HVS) interfaces
* Add new BRC mode definition QVBR
* Add more complete colour properties for use in VPP
* Bump VA-API version to 1.2.0 and libva to 2.2.0
* Add support for hevc range extension decoding
* Add support for fast intra prediction in HEVC FEI
* Add 10/12-bit YUV render target formats
* Add fourcc code for Y210/Y216/Y410/Y416/RGB565/BGR565
* Improve documentation
* Bump VA-API version to 1.1.0 and libva to 2.1.0
* Add API for multi-frame processing
* Add entrypoint VAEntrypointStats for Statistics
* Add data structures for HEVC FEI support
* Add new attributes for decoding/encoding/video processing
* Add new VPP filter for Total Color Correction
* Add blending interface in VPP
* Add rotation interface in VPP
* Add mirroring interface in VPP
* Add Chroma siting flags in VPP
* Add new color standard definitions
* Add new interface for exporting surface
* Add message callbacks for drivers to use
* Bump VA-API version to 1.0.0 and libva to 2.0.0
* Add new API for H264 FEI support
* Add definition of VA_FOURCC_I420
* Add functions for converting common enums to strings
* Deprecate H.264 baseline profile and FMO support
* Deprecate packed misc packed header flag
* Delete libva-tpi and libva-egl backends
* Refine VASliceParameterBufferHEVC, VAEncMiscParameterBuffer
* Fix errors in VAConfigAttribValEncROI, VAEncMacroblockParameterBufferH264
* Fix race condition in wayland support
* Rename vaMessageCallback to VAMessageCallback
* Make logging callbacks library-safe
* Bump libva to 1.8.3
* Fix build issue on Android
* Remove the dummy driver
* Add traces for MB rate control / temporal layer
* Set verbosity level between {0, 1, 2} by setting the variable LIBVA_MESSAGING_LEVEL
in /etc/libva.conf or by setting the environment variable LIBVA_MESSAGING_LEVEL.
* Bump VA API version to 0.40
* API: Change vaRenderPicture semantics that vaRenderPicture no longer deletes the passed buffer automatically.
* API: Add VA_FOURCC_I010 for 10bit surface
* API: Add vaSetErrorCallback and vaSetInfoCallback for error and info message.
* va/drm: Update the support for Mesa Gallium driver
* va/drm: Fix authentication check for /dev/dri/card0
* Move all utilities and tests to libva-utils (
Version 1.7.3 - DD.Nov.2016
* Bump VA API version to 0.39.4
* API: add support for bitrate control per temporal layer
* API: update the usage for framerate in VAEncMiscParameterFrameRate to support non-integer frame-rate
* Add has_prime_sharing flag in VADriverVTableWayland to indicate if buffer sharing with prime fd can
be used in the backend driver
* Bump VA API version to 0.39.3
* API: add support for ROI
* Add support for VP9 encoder in VA tracer
* Refine test cases
* Fix the issue of not properly terminating the parsed environment values with '\0'
* Bump VA API version to 0.39.2
* API: add support for VP9 8bit encode
* API: add support for low power/high performance encode
* API: add support for encoding ROI attribute
* API: add support for macroblock based rate control
* Fix VA tracer to support multiple contexts in one instance
* Bump VA API version to 0.39
* Add support for VP9 10bit decode API
* Allow libva to load the vaapi driver provided by Mesa Gallium for nouveau and radeon
* Fix libva-glx against OpenGL 3.1 or above
* Add new RT format for 16 bits per channel memory layout(P010,P016): VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420_10BPP
* Add new fourcc codes: VA_FOURCC_P010, VA_FOURCC_P016, VA_FOURCC_YV16
* Fix crash if user doesn't have right to access the DRI device
* Fix uninitialized x11_screen driver context member for X11 output
* Fix the issue of not to use LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME
* Fix build issue with wayland
* Add support for VP9 decode and HEVC encode in VA trace module
* Add VP9 profile to vainfo
* Enhance VA trace to dump VP8 encode parameters
* Bump VA API version to 0.38
* Add support for HEVC encode API
* Add support for VP9 decode API
* Add API (vaSetDriverName()) to allow the user to specify the loaded backend driver
* Add VAConfigAttribEncSkipFrame and corresponding structures to support
sending skip frame parameters to the backend driver.
* Add support for querying slice decoding mode supported by the backend driver
* Fix quality issue in the JPEG encode demo
Version 1.5.1 - DD.Mar.2015
* API: correct the comment for num_token_partitions in struct _VAEncPictureParameterBufferVP8
* VA/x11: fix double Unlocks/SyncHandle to avoid segmentation fault
* API: add support for HEVC decoding
* API: extend JPEG encoding data structures and add configuration attribute for JPEG encoding
* Add a unit test for JPEG encoding (Sirisha Muppavarapu)
* Add support for HEVC decoding and JPEG encoding in VA trace utility
* Fix out of tree builds (Emil Velikov)
* VA/X11: fix BadDrawable issue when calling vaTerminate() after the pixmaps have been destroyed (Lionel Landwerlin)
Version 1.4.1 - 24.Oct.2014
* Add support for DRM Render-Nodes (Andrey Larionov)
* API: add support for VP8 encoding
* API: add H.264 MVC profiles for decoding and encoding
* API: add buffer export interfaces for interop with 3rdparty APIs (EGL, OCL)
* API: add suppor for encoder quality level
* API: add attribute usage hint flag
* Fix build on 64-bit versions of Android (Qiming Shi)
* Assorted fixes to the VA fool and trace modules (Austin Yuan)
* API: add STE filter to the VPP pipeline
* Update doxygen tags in libva
* Fix doc/
* A workaround for
* API: add support for VP8 decoding
* API: drop VAEntrypointMax enumeration
* Enhancement for VA trace utility
Version 1.2.1 - 27.Jun.2013
* Fix
* Add back VA_DRIVER_INIT_FUNC definition for testing
Version 1.2.0 - 25.Jun.2013
* API: new H.264 encoding API for Main and High profiles
* API: add support for MPEG-2 encoding
* API: add video processing interfaces
* API: add vaQuerySurfaceAttributes() to query surface attributes supported by the underlying drivers.
* API: new version of vaCreateSurfaces()
* API: add new surface attributes to enable VA surface creation from external buffer
* API: add new RT formats and fourcc codes
* Refine VA trace utility
* Refine H.264 encoding test cases {avcenc, h264enc}
* A new test case for MPEG-2 encoding
* A lot of bug fixes
Version 1.1.1 - 19.Mar.2013
* Support wayland 1.0 protocol (Rob Bradford)
* Automake 1.13 fixups (Armin K)
* API: add Wayland support
* API: add raw DRM support for headless pipelines
* Fix generic VA/GLX implementation for newer cluttersink versions
* Fix threading issues in VA objects reference code (+Krzysztof Kotlenga)
* Fix build on Android Ice Cream Sandwich (+Haitao Huang, Daniel Charles)
Version 1.0.16 - 02.Aug.2012
* API: data structures for JPEG Baseline decoding
* API: clarify the definition of slice_data_bit_offset
* Add a simple test case for JPEG decoding
* API: make {Top,Bottom}FieldOrderCnt signed (Yi Wang)
* Add auto-generated Debian packaging
* Refine VA trace & VA fool utilities
* Move i965 driver to a specific repository (vaapi/intel-driver)
* Fix DSO link issue in tests
* Fix fglrx driver name detection
* Fix API vs. DSO vs. package versioning
Version 1.0.14 - 28.Jul.2011
* API: rename VA_DECODE_ERROR_TYPE to VADecodeErrorType
* Fix memory leaks (Edgar Hucek)
* Fix VA trace logs (Alexander Osin)
* Fix vaTerminate() with some applications, e.g. GStreamer
Version 1.0.13 - 30.May.2011
* API: fix VA_ROTATION_270 definition
* Add a simple H.264 encoder "avcenc" (Chang Zhou)
* Fix VA tracer (Alexander Osin)
* Fix vaBufferInfo() interface (Alexander Osin)
Version 1.0.12 - 01.Apr.2011
* API: add VARenderMode interface to select overlay or GPU rendering mode
* API: add VARenderDevice interface to allow rendering to an external device
* API: add VADisplayAttribOverlay{ColorKey,AutoPaintColorKey} interface
* Fix build issues on Android 2.3
Changes for older versions can be found in git log or previously
released packages.