Thank you for your interest in contributing to PyTorch!
If you're a new contributor, please first take a read through our
[Contributing Guide](, specifically the [Submitting a Change]( section
that walks through the process of contributing a change to PyTorch.
The rest of this document ( covers some of the more technical
aspects of contributing to PyTorch.
<!-- toc -->
- [Developing PyTorch](#developing-pytorch)
- [Setup the development environment](#setup-the-development-environment)
- [Tips and Debugging](#tips-and-debugging)
- [Nightly Checkout & Pull](#nightly-checkout--pull)
- [Codebase structure](#codebase-structure)
- [Unit testing](#unit-testing)
- [Python Unit Testing](#python-unit-testing)
- [Better local unit tests with `pytest`](#better-local-unit-tests-with-pytest)
- [Local linting](#local-linting)
- [Running `mypy`](#running-mypy)
- [C++ Unit Testing](#c-unit-testing)
- [Run Specific CI Jobs](#run-specific-ci-jobs)
- [Merging your Change](#merging-your-change)
- [Writing documentation](#writing-documentation)
- [Docstring type formatting](#docstring-type-formatting)
- [Building documentation](#building-documentation)
- [Tips](#tips)
- [Building C++ Documentation](#building-c-documentation)
- [Previewing changes locally](#previewing-changes-locally)
- [Previewing documentation on PRs](#previewing-documentation-on-prs)
- [Adding documentation tests](#adding-documentation-tests)
- [Profiling with `py-spy`](#profiling-with-py-spy)
- [Managing multiple build trees](#managing-multiple-build-trees)
- [C++ development tips](#c-development-tips)
- [Build only what you need](#build-only-what-you-need)
- [Code completion and IDE support](#code-completion-and-ide-support)
- [Make no-op build fast](#make-no-op-build-fast)
- [Use Ninja](#use-ninja)
- [Use CCache](#use-ccache)
- [Use a faster linker](#use-a-faster-linker)
- [Use pre-compiled headers](#use-pre-compiled-headers)
- [Workaround for header dependency bug in nvcc](#workaround-for-header-dependency-bug-in-nvcc)
- [Rebuild few files with debug information](#rebuild-few-files-with-debug-information)
- [C++ frontend development tips](#c-frontend-development-tips)
- [GDB integration](#gdb-integration)
- [C++ stacktraces](#c-stacktraces)
- [CUDA development tips](#cuda-development-tips)
- [Windows development tips](#windows-development-tips)
- [Known MSVC (and MSVC with NVCC) bugs](#known-msvc-and-msvc-with-nvcc-bugs)
- [Building on legacy code and CUDA](#building-on-legacy-code-and-cuda)
- [Running clang-tidy](#running-clang-tidy)
- [Pre-commit tidy/linting hook](#pre-commit-tidylinting-hook)
- [Building PyTorch with ASAN](#building-pytorch-with-asan)
- [Getting `ccache` to work](#getting-ccache-to-work)
- [Why this stuff with `LD_PRELOAD` and `LIBASAN_RT`?](#why-this-stuff-with-ld_preload-and-libasan_rt)
- [Why LD_PRELOAD in the build function?](#why-ld_preload-in-the-build-function)
- [Why no leak detection?](#why-no-leak-detection)
- [Caffe2 notes](#caffe2-notes)
- [CI failure tips](#ci-failure-tips)
- [Which commit is used in CI?](#which-commit-is-used-in-ci)
- [Dev Infra Office Hours](#dev-infra-office-hours)
## Developing PyTorch
Follow the instructions for [installing PyTorch from source]( If you get stuck when developing PyTorch on your machine, check out the [tips and debugging](#tips-and-debugging) section below for common solutions.
### Setup the development environment
First, you need to [fork the PyTorch project on GitHub]( and follow the instructions at [Connecting to GitHub with SSH]( to setup your SSH authentication credentials.
Then clone the PyTorch project and setup the development environment:
git clone<USERNAME>/pytorch.git
cd pytorch
git remote add upstream
make setup-env # or make setup-env-cuda for pre-built CUDA binaries
conda activate pytorch-deps
### Tips and Debugging
* If you want to have no-op incremental rebuilds (which are fast), see [Make no-op build fast](#make-no-op-build-fast) below.
* When installing with `python develop` (in contrast to `python install`) Python runtime will use
the current local source-tree when importing `torch` package. (This is done by creating [`.egg-link`]( file in `site-packages` folder)
This way you do not need to repeatedly install after modifying Python files (`.py`).
However, you would need to reinstall if you modify Python interface (`.pyi`, ``) or
non-Python files (`.cpp`, `.cc`, `.cu`, `.h`, ...).
One way to avoid running `python develop` every time one makes a change to C++/CUDA/ObjectiveC files on Linux/Mac,
is to create a symbolic link from `build` folder to `torch/lib`, for example, by issuing following:
pushd torch/lib; sh -c "ln -sf ../../build/lib/libtorch_cpu.* ."; popd
Afterwards rebuilding a library (for example to rebuild `` issue `ninja torch_cpu` from `build` folder),
would be sufficient to make change visible in `torch` package.
To reinstall, first uninstall all existing PyTorch installs. You may need to run `pip
uninstall torch` multiple times. You'll know `torch` is fully
uninstalled when you see `WARNING: Skipping torch as it is not
installed`. (You should only have to `pip uninstall` a few times, but
you can always `uninstall` with `timeout` or in a loop if you're feeling
conda uninstall pytorch -y
yes | pip uninstall torch
Next run `python clean`. After that, you can install in `develop` mode again.
* If you run into errors when running `python develop`, here are some debugging steps:
1. Run `printf '#include <stdio.h>\nint main() { printf("Hello World");}'|clang -x c -; ./a.out` to make sure
your CMake works and can compile this simple Hello World program without errors.
2. Nuke your `build` directory. The `` script compiles binaries into the `build` folder and caches many
details along the way, which saves time the next time you build. If you're running into issues, you can always
`rm -rf build` from the toplevel `pytorch` directory and start over.
3. If you have made edits to the PyTorch repo, commit any change you'd like to keep and clean the repo with the
following commands (note that clean _really_ removes all untracked files and changes.):
git submodule deinit -f .
git clean -xdf
python clean
git submodule update --init --recursive # very important to sync the submodules
python develop # then try running the command again
4. The main step within `python develop` is running `make` from the `build` directory. If you want to
experiment with some environment variables, you can pass them into the command:
ENV_KEY1=ENV_VAL1[, ENV_KEY2=ENV_VAL2]* python develop
* If you run into issue running `git submodule update --init --recursive`. Please try the following:
- If you encounter an error such as
error: Submodule 'third_party/pybind11' could not be updated
check whether your Git local or global config file contains any `submodule.*` settings. If yes, remove them and try again.
(please reference [this doc]( for more info).
- If you encounter an error such as
fatal: unable to access '': could not load PEM client certificate ...
this is likely that you are using HTTP proxying and the certificate expired. To check if the certificate is valid, run
`git config --global --list` and search for config like `http.proxysslcert=<cert_file>`. Then check certificate valid date by running
openssl x509 -noout -in <cert_file> -dates
- If you encounter an error that some third_party modules are not checked out correctly, such as
Could not find .../pytorch/third_party/pybind11/CMakeLists.txt
remove any `submodule.*` settings in your local git config (`.git/config` of your pytorch repo) and try again.
* If you're a Windows contributor, please check out [Best Practices](
* For help with any part of the contributing process, please don’t hesitate to utilize our Zoom office hours! See details [here](
The `tools/` script is provided to ease pure Python development of
PyTorch. This uses `conda` and `git` to check out the nightly development
version of PyTorch and installs pre-built binaries into the current repository.
This is like a development or editable install, but without needing the ability
to compile any C++ code.
You can use this script to check out a new nightly branch with the following:
./tools/ checkout -b my-nightly-branch
conda activate pytorch-deps
Or if you would like to re-use an existing conda environment, you can pass in
the regular environment parameters (`--name` or `--prefix`):
./tools/ checkout -b my-nightly-branch -n my-env
conda activate my-env
To install the nightly binaries built with CUDA, you can pass in the flag `--cuda`:
./tools/ checkout -b my-nightly-branch --cuda
conda activate pytorch-deps
You can also use this tool to pull the nightly commits into the current branch:
./tools/ pull -n my-env
conda activate my-env
Pulling will reinstall the PyTorch dependencies as well as the nightly binaries
into the repo directory.
## Codebase structure
* [c10](c10) - Core library files that work everywhere, both server
and mobile. We are slowly moving pieces from [ATen/core](aten/src/ATen/core)
here. This library is intended only to contain essential functionality,
and appropriate to use in settings where binary size matters. (But
you'll have a lot of missing functionality if you try to use it
* [aten](aten) - C++ tensor library for PyTorch (no autograd support)
* [src](aten/src) - [README](aten/src/
* [ATen](aten/src/ATen)
* [core](aten/src/ATen/core) - Core functionality of ATen. This
is migrating to top-level c10 folder.
* [native](aten/src/ATen/native) - Modern implementations of
operators. If you want to write a new operator, here is where
it should go. Most CPU operators go in the top level directory,
except for operators which need to be compiled specially; see
cpu below.
* [cpu](aten/src/ATen/native/cpu) - Not actually CPU
implementations of operators, but specifically implementations
which are compiled with processor-specific instructions, like
AVX. See the [README](aten/src/ATen/native/cpu/ for more
* [cuda](aten/src/ATen/native/cuda) - CUDA implementations of
* [sparse](aten/src/ATen/native/sparse) - CPU and CUDA
implementations of COO sparse tensor operations
* [mkl](aten/src/ATen/native/mkl) [mkldnn](aten/src/ATen/native/mkldnn)
[miopen](aten/src/ATen/native/miopen) [cudnn](aten/src/ATen/native/cudnn)
- implementations of operators which simply bind to some
backend library.
* [quantized](aten/src/ATen/native/quantized/) - Quantized tensor (i.e. QTensor) operation implementations. [README](aten/src/ATen/native/quantized/ contains details including how to implement native quantized operations.
* [torch](torch) - The actual PyTorch library. Everything that is not
in [csrc](torch/csrc) is a Python module, following the PyTorch Python
frontend module structure.
* [csrc](torch/csrc) - C++ files composing the PyTorch library. Files
in this directory tree are a mix of Python binding code, and C++
heavy lifting. Consult `` for the canonical list of Python
binding files; conventionally, they are often prefixed with
`python_`. [README](torch/csrc/
* [jit](torch/csrc/jit) - Compiler and frontend for TorchScript JIT
frontend. [README](torch/csrc/jit/
* [autograd](torch/csrc/autograd) - Implementation of reverse-mode automatic differentiation. [README](torch/csrc/autograd/
* [api](torch/csrc/api) - The PyTorch C++ frontend.
* [distributed](torch/csrc/distributed) - Distributed training
support for PyTorch.
* [tools](tools) - Code generation scripts for the PyTorch library.
See [README](tools/ of this directory for more details.
* [test](test) - Python unit tests for PyTorch Python frontend.
* [](test/ - Basic tests for PyTorch
* [](test/ - Tests for non-NN
automatic differentiation support.
* [](test/ - Tests for NN operators and
* [](test/ - Tests for the JIT compiler
* [cpp](test/cpp) - C++ unit tests for PyTorch C++ frontend.
* [api](test/cpp/api) - [README](test/cpp/api/
* [jit](test/cpp/jit) - [README](test/cpp/jit/
* [tensorexpr](test/cpp/tensorexpr) - [README](test/cpp/tensorexpr/
* [expect](test/expect) - Automatically generated "expect" files
which are used to compare against expected output.
* [onnx](test/onnx) - Tests for ONNX export functionality,
using both PyTorch and Caffe2.
* [caffe2](caffe2) - The Caffe2 library.
* [core](caffe2/core) - Core files of Caffe2, e.g., tensor, workspace,
blobs, etc.
* [operators](caffe2/operators) - Operators of Caffe2.
* [python](caffe2/python) - Python bindings to Caffe2.
* [.circleci](.circleci) - CircleCI configuration management. [README](.circleci/
### Python Unit Testing
The following packages should be installed with either `conda` or `pip`:
- `expecttest` and `hypothesis` - required to run tests
- `mypy` - recommended for linting
- `pytest` - recommended to run tests more selectively
All PyTorch test suites are located in the `test` folder and start with
`test_`. Run the entire test
suite with
python test/
or run individual test suites using the command `python test/`,
where `FILENAME` represents the file containing the test suite you wish
to run.
For example, to run all the TorchScript JIT tests (located at
`test/`), you would run:
python test/
You can narrow down what you're testing even further by specifying the
name of an individual test with `TESTCLASSNAME.TESTNAME`. Here,
`TESTNAME` is the name of the test you want to run, and `TESTCLASSNAME`
is the name of the class in which it is defined.
Going off the above example, let's say you want to run
`test_Sequential`, which is defined as part of the `TestJit` class
in `test/`. Your command would be:
python test/ TestJit.test_Sequential
**Weird note:** In our CI (Continuous Integration) jobs, we actually run the tests from the `test` folder and **not** the root of the repo, since there are various dependencies we set up for CI that expects the tests to be run from the test folder. As such, there may be some inconsistencies between local testing and CI testing--if you observe an inconsistency, please [file an issue](
### Better local unit tests with `pytest`
We don't officially support `pytest`, but it works well with our
`unittest` tests and offers a number of useful features for local
developing. Install it via `pip install pytest`.
If you want to just run tests that contain a specific substring, you can
use the `-k` flag:
pytest test/ -k Loss -v
The above is an example of testing a change to all Loss functions: this
command runs tests such as `TestNN.test_BCELoss` and
`TestNN.test_MSELoss` and can be useful to save keystrokes.
Install all prerequisites by running
make setup-lint
You can now run the same linting steps that are used in CI locally via `make`:
Learn more about the linter on the [lintrunner wiki page](
#### Running `mypy`
`mypy` is an optional static type checker for Python. We have multiple `mypy`
configs for the PyTorch codebase that are automatically validated against whenever the linter is run.
See [Guide for adding type annotations to
for more information on how to set up `mypy` and tackle type annotation
### C++ Unit Testing
PyTorch offers a series of tests located in the `test/cpp` folder.
These tests are written in C++ and use the Google Test testing framework.
After compiling PyTorch from source, the test runner binaries will be
written to the `build/bin` folder. The command to run one of these tests
is `./build/bin/FILENAME --gtest_filter=TESTSUITE.TESTNAME`, where
`TESTNAME` is the name of the test you'd like to run and `TESTSUITE` is
the suite that test is defined in.
For example, if you wanted to run the test `MayContainAlias`, which
is part of the test suite `ContainerAliasingTest` in the file
`test/cpp/jit/test_alias_analysis.cpp`, the command would be:
./build/bin/test_jit --gtest_filter=ContainerAliasingTest.MayContainAlias
### Run Specific CI Jobs
You can generate a commit that limits the CI to only run a specific job by using
`tools/testing/` like so:
# --job: specify one or more times to filter to a specific job + its dependencies
# --filter-gha: specify github actions workflows to keep
# --make-commit: commit CI changes to git with a message explaining the change
python tools/testing/ --job binary_linux_manywheel_3_6m_cpu_devtoolset7_nightly_test --filter-gha '*generated*gcc5.4*' --make-commit
# Make your changes
ghstack submit
**NB**: It is not recommended to use this workflow unless you are also using
[`ghstack`]( It creates a large commit that is
of very low signal to reviewers.
If you know the right people or team that should approve your PR (and you have the required permissions to do so), add them to the Reviewers list.
If not, leave the Reviewers section empty. Our triage squad will review your PR, add a module label, and assign it to the appropriate reviewer in a couple business days. The reviewer will then look at your PR and respond.
Occasionally, things might fall through the cracks (sorry!). In case your PR either doesn't get assigned to a reviewer or doesn't get any response from the reviewer for 4 business days, please leave comment on the PR (mentioning the reviewer if one has been assigned). That'll get it nudged back onto people's radar.
If that still doesn't help, come see us during [our office hours](
Once your PR is approved, you can merge it in by entering a comment with the content `@pytorchmergebot merge` ([what's this bot?](
So you want to write some documentation and don't know where to start?
PyTorch has two main types of documentation:
- **User facing documentation**:
These are the docs that you see over at [our docs website](
- **Developer facing documentation**:
Developer facing documentation is spread around our READMEs in our codebase and in
the [PyTorch Developer Wiki](
If you're interested in adding new developer docs, please read this [page on the wiki]( on our best practices for where to put it.
The rest of this section is about user-facing documentation.
PyTorch uses [Google style](
for formatting docstrings. Each line inside a docstrings block must be limited to 80 characters so that it fits into Jupyter documentation popups.
### Docstring type formatting
In addition to the standard Google Style docstring formatting rules, the following guidelines should be followed for docstring types (docstring types are the type information contained in the round brackets after the variable name):
* The "`Callable`", "`Any`", "`Iterable`", "`Iterator`", "`Generator`" types should have their first letter capitalized.
* The "`list`" and "`tuple`" types should be completely lowercase.
* Types should not be made plural. For example: `tuple of int` should be used instead of `tuple of ints`.
* The only acceptable delimiter words for types are `or` and `of`. No other non-type words should be used other than `optional`.
* The word `optional` should only be used after the types, and it is only used if the user does not have to specify a value for the variable. Default values are listed after the variable description. Example:
my_var (int, optional): Variable description. Default: 1
* Basic Python types should match their type name so that the [Intersphinx]( extension can correctly identify them. For example:
* Use `str` instead of `string`.
* Use `bool` instead of `boolean`.
* Use `dict` instead of `dictionary`.
* Square brackets should be used for the dictionary type. For example:
my_var (dict[str, int]): Variable description.
* If a variable has two different possible types, then the word `or` should be used without a comma. Otherwise variables with 3 or more types should use commas to separate the types. Example:
x (type1 or type2): Variable description.
y (type1, type2, or type3): Variable description.
To build the documentation:
1. Build and install PyTorch
cd docs
pip install -r requirements.txt
# `katex` must also be available in your PATH.
Hong Xu
# You can either install katex globally if you have properly configured npm:
Hong Xu
# Or if you prefer an uncontaminated global executable environment or do not want to go through the node configuration:
# npm install katex && export PATH="$PATH:$(pwd)/node_modules/.bin"
> Note: if you installed `nodejs` with a different package manager (e.g.,
`conda`) then `npm` will probably install a version of `katex` that is not
compatible with your version of `nodejs` and doc builds will fail.
A combination of versions that is known to work is `node@6.13.1` and
`katex@0.13.18`. To install the latter with `npm` you can run
```npm install -g katex@0.13.18```
> Note that if you are a Facebook employee using a devserver, yarn may be more convenient to install katex:
yarn global add katex
> If a specific version is required you can use for example `yarn global add katex@0.13.18`.
3. Generate the documentation HTML files. The generated files will be in `docs/build/html`.
make html
#### Tips
The `.rst` source files live in [docs/source](docs/source). Some of the `.rst`
files pull in docstrings from PyTorch Python code (for example, via
the `autofunction` or `autoclass` directives). To vastly shorten doc build times,
it is helpful to remove the files you are not working on, only keeping the base
`index.rst` file and the files you are editing. The Sphinx build will produce
missing file warnings but will still complete. For example, to work on `jit.rst`:
cd docs/source
find . -type f | grep rst | grep -v index | grep -v jit | xargs rm
# Make your changes, build the docs, etc.
# Don't commit the deletions!
For C++ documentation (, we use
[Doxygen]( and then convert it to
[Sphinx]( via
[Breathe]( and
[Exhale]( Check the [Doxygen
reference]( for more
information on the documentation syntax.
We run Doxygen in CI (Travis) to verify that you do not use invalid Doxygen
commands. To run this check locally, run `./` from inside
To build the documentation, follow the same steps as above, but run them from
`docs/cpp` instead of `docs`.
### Previewing changes locally
To view HTML files locally, you can open the files in your web browser. For example,
navigate to `file:///your_pytorch_folder/docs/build/html/index.html` in a web
If you are developing on a remote machine, you can set up an SSH tunnel so that
you can access the HTTP server on the remote machine from your local machine. To map
remote port 8000 to local port 8000, use either of the following commands.
# For SSH
ssh my_machine -L 8000:my_machine:8000
# For Eternal Terminal
et my_machine -t="8000:8000"
Then navigate to `localhost:8000` in your web browser.
You can start a lightweight HTTP server on the remote machine with:
python -m http.server 8000 <path_to_html_output>
Alternatively, you can run `rsync` on your local machine to copy the files from
your remote machine:
mkdir -p build cpp/build
rsync -az me@my_machine:/path/to/pytorch/docs/build/html build
rsync -az me@my_machine:/path/to/pytorch/docs/cpp/build/html cpp/build
### Previewing documentation on PRs
PyTorch will host documentation previews at `<pr number>/index.html` once the
`pytorch_python_doc_build` GitHub Actions job has completed on your PR. You can visit that page directly
or find its link in the automated Dr. CI comment on your PR.
It is easy for code snippets in docstrings and `.rst` files to get out of date. The docs
build includes the [Sphinx Doctest Extension](,
which can run code in documentation as a unit test. To use the extension, use
the `.. testcode::` directive in your `.rst` and docstrings.
To manually run these tests, follow steps 1 and 2 above, then run:
cd docs
make doctest
## Profiling with `py-spy`
Evaluating the performance impact of code changes in PyTorch can be complicated,
particularly if code changes happen in compiled code. One simple way to profile
both Python and C++ code in PyTorch is to use
[`py-spy`](, a sampling profiler for Python
that has the ability to profile native code and Python code in the same session.
`py-spy` can be installed via `pip`:
To use `py-spy`, first write a Python test script that exercises the
functionality you would like to profile. For example, this script profiles
import torch
t1 = torch.tensor([[1, 1], [1, 1.]])
t2 = torch.tensor([[0, 0], [0, 0.]])
for _ in range(1000000):
torch.add(t1, t2)
Since the `torch.add` operation happens in microseconds, we repeat it a large
number of times to get good statistics. The most straightforward way to use
`py-spy` with such a script is to generate a [flame
py-spy record -o profile.svg --native -- python
This will output a file named `profile.svg` containing a flame graph you can
view in a web browser or SVG viewer. Individual stack frame entries in the graph
can be selected interactively with your mouse to zoom in on a particular part of
the program execution timeline. The `--native` command-line option tells
`py-spy` to record stack frame entries for PyTorch C++ code. To get line numbers
for C++ code it may be necessary to compile PyTorch in debug mode by prepending
your ` develop` call to compile PyTorch with `DEBUG=1`. Depending on
your operating system it may also be necessary to run `py-spy` with root
`py-spy` can also work in an `htop`-like "live profiling" mode and can be
tweaked to adjust the stack sampling rate, see the `py-spy` readme for more
One downside to using `python develop` is that your development
version of PyTorch will be installed globally on your account (e.g., if
you run `import torch` anywhere else, the development version will be
If you want to manage multiple builds of PyTorch, you can make use of
[conda environments]( to maintain
separate Python package environments, each of which can be tied to a
specific build of PyTorch. To set one up:
conda create -n pytorch-myfeature
source activate pytorch-myfeature
# if you run python now, torch will NOT be installed
python develop
If you are working on the C++ code, there are a few important things that you
will want to keep in mind:
1. How to rebuild only the code you are working on.
2. How to make rebuilds in the absence of changes go faster.
`python build` will build everything by default, but sometimes you are
only interested in a specific component.
- Working on a test binary? Run `(cd build && ninja bin/test_binary_name)` to
rebuild only that test binary (without rerunning cmake). (Replace `ninja` with
`make` if you don't have ninja installed).
On the initial build, you can also speed things up with the environment
- `DEBUG=1` will enable debug builds (-g -O0)
- `REL_WITH_DEB_INFO=1` will enable debug symbols with optimizations (-g -O3)
- `USE_DISTRIBUTED=0` will disable distributed (c10d, gloo, mpi, etc.) build.
- `USE_MKLDNN=0` will disable using MKL-DNN.
Hong Xu
- `USE_CUDA=0` will disable compiling CUDA (in case you are developing on something not CUDA related), to save compile time.
- `BUILD_TEST=0` will disable building C++ test binaries.
- `USE_FBGEMM=0` will disable using FBGEMM (quantized 8-bit server operators).
- `USE_NNPACK=0` will disable compiling with NNPACK.
- `USE_QNNPACK=0` will disable QNNPACK build (quantized 8-bit operators).
- `USE_XNNPACK=0` will disable compiling with XNNPACK.
- `USE_FLASH_ATTENTION=0` and `USE_MEM_EFF_ATTENTION=0` will disable compiling flash attention and memory efficient kernels respectively
Hong Xu
For subsequent builds (i.e., when `build/CMakeCache.txt` exists), the build
options passed for the first time will persist; please run `ccmake build/`, run
`cmake-gui build/`, or directly edit `build/CMakeCache.txt` to adapt build
When using `python develop`, PyTorch will generate
a `compile_commands.json` file that can be used by many editors
to provide command completion and error highlighting for PyTorch's
C++ code. You need to `pip install ninja` to generate accurate
information for the code in `torch/csrc`. More information at:
By default, cmake will use its Makefile generator to generate your build
system. You can get faster builds if you install the ninja build system
with `pip install ninja`. If PyTorch was already built, you will need
to run `python clean` once after installing ninja for builds to
Note: Make sure to use a machine with a larger number of CPU cores, this will significantly reduce your build times.
Even when dependencies are tracked with file modification, there are many
situations where files get rebuilt when a previous compilation was exactly the
same. Using ccache in a situation like this is a real time-saver.
Before building pytorch, install ccache from your package manager of choice:
conda install ccache -c conda-forge
sudo apt install ccache
sudo yum install ccache
brew install ccache
You may also find the default cache size in ccache is too small to be useful.
The cache sizes can be increased from the command line:
# config: cache dir is ~/.ccache, conf file ~/.ccache/ccache.conf
# max size of cache
ccache -M 25Gi # -M 0 for unlimited
# unlimited number of files
ccache -F 0
To check this is working, do two clean builds of pytorch in a row. The second
build should be substantially and noticeably faster than the first build. If
this doesn't seem to be the case, check the `CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER_LAUNCHER`
rules in `build/CMakeCache.txt`, where `<LANG>` is `C`, `CXX` and `CUDA`.
Each of these 3 variables should contain ccache, e.g.
//CXX compiler launcher
If not, you can define these variables on the command line before invoking ``.
python develop
#### Use a faster linker
If you are editing a single file and rebuilding in a tight loop, the time spent
linking will dominate. The system linker available in most Linux distributions
(GNU `ld`) is quite slow. Use a faster linker, like [lld](
People on Mac, follow [this guide]( instead.
The easiest way to use `lld` this is download the
[latest LLVM binaries]( and run:
ln -s /path/to/downloaded/ld.lld /usr/local/bin/ld
#### Use pre-compiled headers
Sometimes there's no way of getting around rebuilding lots of files, for example
editing `native_functions.yaml` usually means 1000+ files being rebuilt. If
you're using CMake newer than 3.16, you can enable pre-compiled headers by
setting `USE_PRECOMPILED_HEADERS=1` either on first setup, or in the
`CMakeCache.txt` file.
This adds a build step where the compiler takes `<ATen/ATen.h>` and essentially
dumps its internal AST to a file so the compiler can avoid repeating itself for
every `.cpp` file.
One caveat is that when enabled, this header gets included in every file by default.
Which may change what code is legal, for example:
- internal functions can never alias existing names in `<ATen/ATen.h>`
- names in `<ATen/ATen.h>` will work even if you don't explicitly include it.
#### Workaround for header dependency bug in nvcc
If re-building without modifying any files results in several CUDA files being
re-compiled, you may be running into an `nvcc` bug where header dependencies are
not converted to absolute paths before reporting it to the build system. This
makes `ninja` think one of the header files has been deleted, so it runs the
build again.
A compiler-wrapper to fix this is provided in `tools/`. You can use
this as a compiler launcher, similar to `ccache`
export CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_LAUNCHER="python;`pwd`/tools/;ccache"
python develop
### Rebuild few files with debug information
While debugging a problem one often had to maintain a debug build in a separate folder.
But often only a few files needs to be rebuild with debug info to get a symbolicated backtrace or enable source debugging
One can easily solve this with the help of `tools/`
For example, suppose one wants to debug what is going on while tensor index is selected, which can be achieved by setting a breakpoint at `applySelect` function:
% lldb -o "b applySelect" -o "process launch" -- python3 -c "import torch;print(torch.rand(5)[3])"
(lldb) target create "python"
Current executable set to '/usr/bin/python3' (arm64).
(lldb) settings set -- "-c" "import torch;print(torch.rand(5)[3])"
(lldb) b applySelect
Breakpoint 1: no locations (pending).
WARNING: Unable to resolve breakpoint to any actual locations.
(lldb) process launch
2 locations added to breakpoint 1
Process 87729 stopped
* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
frame #0: 0x00000001023d55a8 libtorch_python.dylib`at::indexing::impl::applySelect(at::Tensor const&, long long, c10::SymInt, long long, c10::Device const&, std::__1::optional<c10::ArrayRef<c10::SymInt>> const&)
-> 0x1023d55a8 <+0>: sub sp, sp, #0xd0
0x1023d55ac <+4>: stp x24, x23, [sp, #0x90]
0x1023d55b0 <+8>: stp x22, x21, [sp, #0xa0]
0x1023d55b4 <+12>: stp x20, x19, [sp, #0xb0]
Target 0: (python) stopped.
Process 87729 launched: '/usr/bin/python' (arm64)
Which is not very informative, but can be easily remedied by rebuilding `python_variable_indexing.cpp` with debug information
% ./tools/ torch/csrc/autograd/python_variable_indexing.cpp
[1 / 2] Building caffe2/torch/CMakeFiles/torch_python.dir/csrc/autograd/python_variable_indexing.cpp.o
[2 / 2] Building lib/libtorch_python.dylib
And afterwards:
% lldb -o "b applySelect" -o "process launch" -- python3 -c "import torch;print(torch.rand(5)[3])"
(lldb) target create "python"
Current executable set to '/usr/bin/python3' (arm64).
(lldb) settings set -- "-c" "import torch;print(torch.rand(5)[3])"
(lldb) b applySelect
Breakpoint 1: no locations (pending).
WARNING: Unable to resolve breakpoint to any actual locations.
(lldb) process launch
2 locations added to breakpoint 1
Process 87741 stopped
* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
frame #0: 0x00000001024e2628 libtorch_python.dylib`at::indexing::impl::applySelect(self=0x00000001004ee8a8, dim=0, index=(data_ = 3), real_dim=0, (null)=0x000000016fdfe535, self_sizes= Has Value=true ) at TensorIndexing.h:239:7
236 const at::Device& /*self_device*/,
237 const c10::optional<SymIntArrayRef>& self_sizes) {
238 // See NOTE [nested tensor size for indexing]
-> 239 if (self_sizes.has_value()) {
240 auto maybe_index = index.maybe_as_int();
241 if (maybe_index.has_value()) {
Target 0: (python) stopped.
Process 87741 launched: '/usr/bin/python3' (arm64)
Which is much more useful, isn't it?
### C++ frontend development tips
We have very extensive tests in the [test/cpp/api](test/cpp/api) folder. The
tests are a great way to see how certain components are intended to be used.
When compiling PyTorch from source, the test runner binary will be written to
`build/bin/test_api`. The tests use the [GoogleTest](
framework, which you can read up about to learn how to configure the test runner. When
submitting a new feature, we care very much that you write appropriate tests.
Please follow the lead of the other tests to see how to write a new test case.
### GDB integration
If you are debugging pytorch inside GDB, you might be interested in
[pytorch-gdb](tools/gdb/ This script introduces some
pytorch-specific commands which you can use from the GDB prompt. In
particular, `torch-tensor-repr` prints a human-readable repr of an at::Tensor
object. Example of usage:
$ gdb python
GNU gdb (GDB) 9.2
(gdb) # insert a breakpoint when we call .neg()
(gdb) break at::Tensor::neg
Function "at::Tensor::neg" not defined.
Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load? (y or [n]) y
Breakpoint 1 (at::Tensor::neg) pending.
(gdb) run
>>> import torch
>>> t = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=torch.float64)
>>> t
tensor([1., 2., 3., 4.], dtype=torch.float64)
>>> t.neg()
Thread 1 "python" hit Breakpoint 1, at::Tensor::neg (this=0x7ffb118a9c88) at aten/src/ATen/core/TensorBody.h:3295
3295 inline at::Tensor Tensor::neg() const {
(gdb) # the default repr of 'this' is not very useful
(gdb) p this
$1 = (const at::Tensor * const) 0x7ffb118a9c88
(gdb) p *this
$2 = {impl_ = {target_ = 0x55629b5cd330}}
(gdb) torch-tensor-repr *this
Python-level repr of *this:
tensor([1., 2., 3., 4.], dtype=torch.float64)
GDB tries to automatically load `pytorch-gdb` thanks to the
[.gdbinit](.gdbinit) at the root of the pytorch repo. However, auto-loadings is disabled by default, because of security reasons:
$ gdb
warning: File "/path/to/pytorch/.gdbinit" auto-loading has been declined by your `auto-load safe-path' set to "$debugdir:$datadir/auto-load".
To enable execution of this file add
add-auto-load-safe-path /path/to/pytorch/.gdbinit
line to your configuration file "/home/YOUR-USERNAME/.gdbinit".
To completely disable this security protection add
set auto-load safe-path /
line to your configuration file "/home/YOUR-USERNAME/.gdbinit".
For more information about this security protection see the
"Auto-loading safe path" section in the GDB manual. E.g., run from the shell:
info "(gdb)Auto-loading safe path"
As gdb itself suggests, the best way to enable auto-loading of `pytorch-gdb`
is to add the following line to your `~/.gdbinit` (i.e., the `.gdbinit` file
which is in your home directory, **not** `/path/to/pytorch/.gdbinit`):
add-auto-load-safe-path /path/to/pytorch/.gdbinit
### C++ stacktraces
Set `TORCH_SHOW_CPP_STACKTRACES=1` to get the C++ stacktrace when an error occurs in Python.
If you are working on the CUDA code, here are some useful CUDA debugging tips:
1. `CUDA_DEVICE_DEBUG=1` will enable CUDA device function debug symbols (`-g -G`).
This will be particularly helpful in debugging device code. However, it will
slow down the build process for about 50% (compared to only `DEBUG=1`), so use wisely.
2. `cuda-gdb` and `cuda-memcheck` are your best CUDA debugging friends. Unlike`gdb`,
`cuda-gdb` can display actual values in a CUDA tensor (rather than all zeros).
3. CUDA supports a lot of C++11/14 features such as, `std::numeric_limits`, `std::nextafter`,
`std::tuple` etc. in device code. Many of such features are possible because of the
nvcc flag. There is a known [issue](
that ROCm errors out on device code, which uses such stl functions.
4. A good performance metric for a CUDA kernel is the
[Effective Memory Bandwidth](
It is useful for you to measure this metric whenever you are writing/optimizing a CUDA
kernel. Following script shows how we can measure the effective bandwidth of CUDA `uniform_`
import torch
from torch.utils.benchmark import Timer
size = 128*512
nrep = 100
nbytes_read_write = 4 # this is number of bytes read + written by a kernel. Change this to fit your kernel.
for i in range(10):
out = a.uniform_()