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  • Sen Jiang's avatar
    Stream the output to disk. · 79ffca0e
    Sen Jiang authored
    Now that update_engine no longer uses minor version 1, old file and
    new file are always different in the device, so we can write the
    output to disk right away to save memory.
    The old behavior is still kept if the new file is overlapping with the
    old file for usage.
    Test: bsdiff_unittest
    Test: apply a 3M patch overwriting old file, uses 25M memory.
    Test: apply a 3M patch not overwriting old file, uses 9M memory.
    Bug: 28345972
    (cherry picked from commit 5b372b68)
    Change-Id: I532af8389048007078b82d9a4c9071ca349c43b0