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  • Ramji Jiyani's avatar
    kleaf: system_dlkm: Add flatten images support · a8a858a1
    Ramji Jiyani authored
    Generate flatten images if kernel_images have
    build_system_dlkm_flatten is set True. These
    images don't have the `uname -r` in the directory
    structure and all modules are available as
    lib/modules/*.ko with modules.load and modules.dep
    depmod artifacts.
    Generates images as follow:
    If system_dlkm_fs_type is set:
    If system_dlkm_fs_types is set:
      system_dlkm.flatten.<fs_type>.img for each fs types
    By default when no fs type is specified:
    Bug: 301178664
    Test: Manual image verification with different options
    Test: TH
    Change-Id: I4b7815d131d3d26adaa35c4550e76db71aa33936
    Signed-off-by: default avatarRamji Jiyani <>