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  • Vivien Nicolas's avatar
    Update the ZAP template to encode/decode commands (#3935) · 252b0944
    Vivien Nicolas authored
    There are a few issues with the current template.
     1. {{isArray}} is not taken into account. It results into a mismatch between
        the signatures of some clusters methods
     2. Instead of using raw types, such as 'uint8_t', 'uint16_t', the current template
        uses 'enum'. It creates 2 types of issues:
         * The current template generates code that rely on sizeof(type) to move the
           pointer for the payload buffer. It does not work well with 'enum'.
         * The signatures of methods are using raw types. So it ask for a change
           in all the cluster signatures.
      3. The buffer start pointer is mispositioned: It uses 0 instead of cmd->payloadStartIndex
      4. String are using 'uint8_t *', which is OK but the pointer to the payload buffer is not
         moved to take into account the additional bytes with the size of the string