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RockPi4: fix random crash during OP-TEE initialization and enable ASLR

Ghost User requested to merge (removed):rockpi4-uboot-tee-bin into master

Two commits:

  • Adds a U-Boot patch to use tee.bin instead of tee.elf on RockPi4. Fixes the Core data-abort at address 0x30200000 (translation fault) crash on boot.
  • Do not force disable OP-TEE ASLR since it now works fine with the previous fix. A proper random seed still needs to be passed to OP-TEE though:
    D/TC:0   get_aslr_seed:1413 Bad fdt: -9
    D/TC:0   plat_get_aslr_seed:110 Warning: no ASLR seed

Merge request reports
